Deity Resonance

Service Overview
Price: 25$USD
Availability: See Available Deities

In Ul-Zaorith, the deities are very active in mortals' lives. Each deity has their domains that they are responsible for managing, which means correcting imbalances, answering prayers (they actively choose which ones they'll answer), and, on rarer occasions, granting miracles. So, depending on what a deity manages, those prayers may be quite subtle (i.e. good luck for a day's travel) to more noticeable (i.e. shifting weather patterns). In Ul-Zaorith, the deities are very active in mortals' lives. Each deity has their domains that they are responsible for managing, which means correcting imbalances, answering prayers (they actively choose which ones they'll answer), and, on rarer occasions, granting miracles. So, depending on what a deity manages, those prayers may be quite subtle (i.e. good luck for a day's travel) to more noticeable (i.e. shifting weather patterns). 

Where there might be some challenges for a human worshiping them is their domains largely relate to the Realms of Ul-Zaorith, so they have less sway here on Earth. Deities that focus on energy, emotions, people, and fortune seem to translate fairly well. Those that affect things more inherently tied to Ul-Zaorith's Realms likely won't have as much sway on Earth. For example, Loffur, God of Kukothrian (the Shadow Realm); since we don't exactly have a Shadow Realm, he'd be helpful if you're astral travelling with an Ul-Zaorith companion there, but may not affect Earth-bound things.

Astra's PDFs can help you forge a direct channel for you to work with a specific deity but, obviously, the deities can work with many people, so this service is not same thing as a binding and it is not a "deity portal". This is very similar to working with a typical Earth Deity where you would forge the connection on your own, but instead the text provided serves as exercises and aspects you can add to your craft to amplify your own connection to them. The PDF will include some ritual work you can do with your chosen deity, some of the bounties or miracles they can offer, information about their domains and pantheons, and any celebrations or festivals they preside over. Astra's hope is that this provides an additional way of deepening your companionship with entities from Ul-Zaorith who share the faith for that deity. You can worship together—as well as obtaining divine support and protection.

Currently Available Deity Resonances:
Isham (Goddess of Unconditional Love)
Ramosus (God of Protections and Confidence) 
Wipo (Goddess of DreamCraft and Muniloria)
Taemon (God of Nature and the Planet)

Additional Deity Resonance requests can be made on our discord server.

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